South Africa
Europe 2007
This is a pretty weak section, I have to admit, because I didn't take many interesting photos and also I think I should make complete, separate sections for each individual country--but maybe that is boring, too.
At the bottom are some non-Euro pix.
"I am so lonely" -- Zurich airport, Switzerland
Snow on the pond, Denmark
Snow on the tennis court, Denmark
Deer from a hunting expedition, Denmark
The Jessens, Denmark
Embarrassing my friend, Caroline, in Paris
Caro and Fabrice have 2 little kids but
they keep their alcohol on the ground
Surfing in Munich, Germany
Austria-Germany border underground
Bolzano, Italy
Moroccan girls, Olympic stadium, Munich
Swiss billboard and comment
Fish sandwich boat, Istanbul
Istanbul pilaf
Istanbul sun
Swiss precision
Paris crematorium
Sign at Taipei airport, Taiwan
Cool mosaic at San Francisco airport
Salt ponds of San Francisco Bay
I carried over 100 lbs home from Japan, including a guitar
San Francisco
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